
conda create -n motile -c conda-forge -c gurobi -c funkelab ilpy
conda activate motile
pip install motile

This will install motile with all required dependencies, including binaries for two discrete optimizers:

  1. The Gurobi Optimizer. This is a comercial solver, which requires a valid license. Academic licenses are provided for free, see here for how to obtain one.

  2. The SCIP Optimizer, a free and open source solver. If motile does not find a valid Gurobi license, it will fall back to using SCIP.

Do I have to use conda?

Kinda. motile uses ilpy to solve the optimization problem. Conda packages for ilpy are available for all major platforms, linking against the conda packages for SCIP and Gurobi.

It is possible to not use conda: If you have SCIP or Gurobi installed otherwise, you can compile ilpy yourself from the PyPI repository (pip install ilpy).