



A set of tracks consisting of a graph and an optional segmentation.


Types of nodes in the track graph. Currently used for standardizing

Package Contents

class motile_plugin.core.Tracks(/, **data: Any)

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

A set of tracks consisting of a graph and an optional segmentation. The graph nodes represent detections and must have a time attribute and position attribute. Edges in the graph represent links across time.

graph (nx.DiGraph): A graph with nodes representing detections and

and edges representing links across time. Assumed to be “valid” tracks (e.g., this is not supposed to be a candidate graph), but the structure is not verified.

segmentation (Optional(np.ndarray)): An optional segmentation that

accompanies the tracking graph. If a segmentation is provided, it is assumed that the graph has an attribute (default “seg_id”) holding the segmentation id. Defaults to None.

time_attr (str): The attribute in the graph that specifies the time

frame each node is in.

pos_attr (str | tuple[str] | list[str]): The attribute in the graph

that specifies the position of each node. Can be a single attribute that holds a list, or a list of attribute keys.

graph: networkx.DiGraph
segmentation: numpy.ndarray | None = None
time_attr: str
pos_attr: str | tuple[str] | list[str]
scale: list[float] | None = None

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

get_location(node: Any, incl_time: bool = False)

Get the location of a node in the graph. Optionally include the time frame as the first dimension. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph.


node (Any): The node id in the graph to get the location of. incl_time (bool, optional): If true, include the time as the

first element of the location array. Defaults to False.

list[float]: A list holding the location. If the position

is stored in a single key, the location could be any number of dimensions.

get_time(node: Any) int

Get the time frame of a given node. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph.


node (Any): The node id to get the time frame for


int: The time frame that the node is in

get_area(node: Any) int

Get the area/volume of a given node. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph. Returns None if area is not an attribute.


node (Any): The node id to get the area/volume for


int: The area/volume of the node

class motile_plugin.core.NodeType

Bases: enum.Enum

Types of nodes in the track graph. Currently used for standardizing visualization. All nodes are exactly one type.