Example gallery
Here are some examples of datasets that have been investigated with QuAC, as well as what was found. If you have tried QuAC on your own dataset (even unsuccessfully!) please so we can add it to the gallery.
Fictus Aggregatum synthetic cells
The Fictus aggregatum dataset is a synthetic dataset that was created in the Funke Lab specifically to understand how QuAC works on biological data. The code to generate this dataset is available here.
We evaluated, using this fictus dataset, whether QuAC was able to retrieve all of the differences between classes when these are known. We found that, although this was sometimes done in surprising ways, the changes described by QuAC were generally in line with what was expected from the data.
Drosophila melanogaster synapses
The differences between synapses emitting different neurotransmitters in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are so subtle that it was not though possible to tell them apart. When it was found that a deep learning model could do so, however, this opened up possibilities for gaining insight into the relation between strcuture and function in these synapses.
QuAC explanations suggested quite a few new features that could be used to distinguish between these synapse types, the prevalence of which is currently being investigated.