Key bindings and Mouse Functions

Napari viewer and layer key bindings and mouse functions

Mouse / Key binding


Click on a point or label

Select this node (center view if necessary)

SHIFT + click on point or label

Add this node to selection

Mouse drag with point layer selection tool active

Select multiple nodes at once


Toggle between viewing all nodes in the
points/labels or only those for the currently
selected lineages

Tree view key and mouse functions

Mouse / Key binding


Click on a node

Select this node (center view if necessary)

SHIFT + click on a node

Add this node to selection


Zoom in or out

Scroll + X / Right mouse click + drag horizontally

Restrict zoom to the x-axis of the tree view

Scroll + Y / Right mouse click + drag vertically

Restrict zoom to the y-axis of the tree view

Mouse drag


SHIFT + Mouse drag

Rectangular selection of nodes

Right mouse click

Reset view


Switch between viewing all lineages (vertically)
or the currently selected lineages (horizontally)


Switch between plotting the lineage tree and the
object size

Left arrow

Select the node to the left

Right arrow

Select the node to the right

Up arrow

Select the parent node (vertical view of all
lineages) or the next adjacent lineage
(horizontal view of selected lineage)

Down arrow

Select the child node (vertical view of all
lineages) or the previous adjacent lineage
(horizontal view of selected lineage)

Key bindings for editing the tracks

Mouse / Key binding



Delete selected nodes


Break edge between two selected nodes, if existing


Create edge between two selected nodes, if valid


Undo last editing action


Redo last editing action

Key bindings tutorial video

This video shows how to use the different mouse and key functions, as well as their corresponding buttons, in the napari layers and the Tree View.