Training from a YAML file
Example dataset
In this tutorial, we will be applying QuAC to a simple but non-trivial dataset.
The majority of the work will be defining a YAML file that holds all of the details for your experiment. We will begin with the data.
The data is expected to be split into at least two sets: train and validation. If you have it, you can also add a test dataset. For each, the details need to be defined anew.
The source and reference values point to the data. The data in source is used as the query image, and the data in reference as the reference image. They do not need to be different!
The mean and std values will be used to normalize your data before passing it into the StarGAN. Note that we expect the data to be normalized in the same way for your StarGAN and your classifier.
source: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/train"
reference: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/train"
img_size: 128
batch_size: 16
num_workers: 12
mean: 0.5
std: 0.5
grayscale: true
source: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/val"
reference: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/val"
img_size: 128
batch_size: 16
num_workers: 12
mean: 0.5
std: 0.5
grayscale: true
source: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/test"
reference: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/data/duplex/disc_b/test"
img_size: 128
batch_size: 16
num_workers: 12
mean: 0.5
std: 0.5
grayscale: true
Behind the scenes, all of these will be absorned into a object. You can have a look at that object to see the default values, and types of the parameters.
The model
Next we will want to define the model that we will be training.
Make sure that you match your model to the data that you are putting in! For example, the img_size should be the same. The num_domains parameter refers to the number of classes in your dataset. For this dataset there are three classes. If grayscale is true, we need to confirm that input_dim, which corresponds to the number of channels in the input images, is 1. Finally, since we want our output to be images with the same range as our inputs, we want to use tanh as an activation here (our input images will be in [-1, 1]).
img_size: 128
style_dim: 64
latent_dim: 16
num_domains: 3
input_dim: 1
final_activation: "tanh"
This will be ingested into a object. Have a look to see what the parameter defaults are!
The Solver
Let’s next set up the required information for the Solver. For this, we need to determine where the model checkpoints and any intermediate evaluation outputs will be saved. This is defined in the solver.root_dir.
Next, we need to choose how to balance our losses. For stability, we will ignore the diversity loss completely by setting its coefficient lambda_ds to 0.0. The style consistency loss, the cycle consistency loss, and the identity loss will all be considered equally important and set to 1.0.
Next, since we want to run evaluation on our validation dataset, we need to define some details for that. Specifically, we need to define where the checkpoint is located. This will need to be a torchscript compiled checkpoint, so that we don’t need to explicitly define the classifier model. We also define the batch size for validation, and since we have made sure that the data normalization for the StarGAN matches that of the classifier, we do_nothing before passing images to the classifier. This setup ensures that during training we can check the StarGAN’s translation rate and conversion rate. The translation rate shows how many of the StarGAN’s output are classified by the pre-trained classifier as the target class. The conversion rate is similarly, except it gives the model several tries to correctly convert an image. This is possible because the StarGAN includes some randomness. In our case, it gets num_outs_per_domain tries, so 10.
root_dir: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/projects/quac/disc_b_example/stargan"
lambda_ds: 0.0
lambda_sty: 1. # Default
lambda_cyc: 1. # Default
lambda_id: 1. # Default
classifier_checkpoint: "/nrs/funke/adjavond/projects/duplex/disc_b/"
val_batch_size: 16
num_outs_per_domain: 10 # Default
do_nothing: true # Pass the image directly to the classifier
The run
Finally, we need to decide on some details of our run, and how we’re going to log run details. We will save our logs locally, but there is also the option to use Tensorboard or WandB.
Then we decide how long to train, how often to save checkpoints, how often to run evaluation, and how often to log results. All of these values are in number of batches.
log_type: local
log_dir: "tutorial_logs"
project: "quac_example_project"
name: "disc_b"
notes: "Stargan training on Disc B dataset"
- stargan
- training
log_every: 1000
total_iters: 5000
save_every: 1000
eval_every: 1000
Putting it all together
We can save all of the configuration details in a YAML file config.yaml. We will load all of this together, and then start training! To avoid training from within a Jupyter notebook, you can also put the following cell into a script and run that.
1# Training the StarGAN
2from import ExperimentConfig
3import git
4from import TrainingData, ValidationData
5from import build_model
6from import Solver
7from import Logger
8import torch
9import typer
10import warnings
11import yaml
13torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
15with open("config.yaml", "r") as file:
16 config = yaml.safe_load(file)
17experiment = ExperimentConfig(**config)
19# Setting up the logger
20logger = Logger.create(
21 experiment.log_type,
22 hparams=experiment.model_dump(),
24 **experiment.log.model_dump(),
27# Defining the datasets for training and validation
28dataset = TrainingData(**
29val_dataset = ValidationData(**experiment.validation_data.model_dump())
31# Defining the models
32nets, nets_ema = build_model(**experiment.model.model_dump())
34# Defining the Solver
35solver = Solver(nets, nets_ema, **experiment.solver.model_dump(), run=logger)
37# Training the model
39 dataset,
40 **,
41 **experiment.loss.model_dump(),
42 val_loader=val_dataset,
43 val_config=experiment.validation_config,