from typing import Iterable, Any, Union
import numbers
class Coordinate(tuple):
"""A ``tuple`` of integers.
Allows the following element-wise operators: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, absolute value, and negation. All operations are
applied element wise and support both Coordinates and Numbers. This allows to
perform simple arithmetics with coordinates, e.g.::
shape = Coordinate(2, 3, 4)
voxel_size = Coordinate(10, 5, 1)
size = shape*voxel_size # == Coordinate(20, 15, 4)
size * 2 + 1 # == Coordinate(41, 31, 9)
Coordinates can be initialized with any iterable of ints, e.g.::
Coordinates can also pack multiple args into an iterable, e.g.::
def __new__(cls, *array_like):
if len(array_like) == 1 and isinstance(array_like[0], Iterable):
array_like = array_like[0]
return super(Coordinate, cls).__new__(
cls, [int(x) if x is not None else None for x in array_like]
def dims(self) -> int:
return len(self)
def squeeze(self, dim: int = 0) -> "Coordinate":
return Coordinate(c for i, c in enumerate(self) if i != dim)
def is_multiple_of(self, coordinate: "Coordinate") -> bool:
"""Test if this coordinate is a multiple of the given coordinate."""
return all([a % b == 0 for a, b in zip(self, coordinate)])
def round_division(self, other: "Coordinate") -> "Coordinate":
Will always round down if self % other == other / 2.
return (self + (other - 1) // 2) // other
def floor_division(self, other: "Coordinate") -> "Coordinate":
return self // other
def ceil_division(self, other: "Coordinate") -> "Coordinate":
return (self + other - 1) // other
def __neg__(self) -> "Coordinate":
return Coordinate(-a if a is not None else None for a in self)
def __abs__(self) -> "Coordinate":
return Coordinate(abs(a) if a is not None else None for a in self)
def __add__(self, other: Union[Any, "Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only add Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a + b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a + other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"addition of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __sub__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only subtract Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a - b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a - other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"subtraction of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __mul__(self, other: Union[Any, "Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only multiply Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a * b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a * other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"multiplication of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __div__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only divide Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a / b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a / other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"division of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __truediv__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only divide Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a / b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a / other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"division of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __floordiv__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only divide Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a // b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a // other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"division of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __mod__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only mod Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a % b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a % other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"mod of Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)
def __pow__(self, other: Union["Coordinate", int, float]) -> "Coordinate":
if isinstance(other, Coordinate):
assert (
self.dims == other.dims
), "can only raise to Coordinate of equal dimensions"
return Coordinate(
a**b if a is not None and b is not None else None
for a, b in zip(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return Coordinate(a**other if a is not None else None for a in self)
raise TypeError(
"raising Coordinate with type %s not supported" % type(other)