Source code for gunpowder.nodes.grow_boundary

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

from .batch_filter import BatchFilter

[docs] class GrowBoundary(BatchFilter): """Grow a boundary between regions in a label array. Does not grow at the border of the batch or an optionally provided mask. Args: labels (:class:`ArrayKey`): The array containing labels. mask (:class:`ArrayKey`, optional): A mask indicating unknown regions. This is to avoid boundaries to grow between labelled and unknown regions. steps (``int``, optional): Number of voxels (not world units!) to grow. background (``int``, optional): The label to assign to the boundary voxels. only_xy (``bool``, optional): Do not grow a boundary in the z direction. """ def __init__(self, labels, mask=None, steps=1, background=0, only_xy=False): self.labels = labels self.mask = mask self.steps = steps self.background = background self.only_xy = only_xy def process(self, batch, request): gt = batch.arrays[self.labels] gt_mask = None if not self.mask else batch.arrays[self.mask] if gt_mask is not None: # grow only in area where mask and gt are defined crop = gt_mask.spec.roi.intersect(gt.spec.roi) if crop is None: raise RuntimeError( "GT_LABELS %s and GT_MASK %s ROIs don't intersect." % (gt.spec.roi, gt_mask.spec.roi) ) voxel_size = self.spec[self.labels].voxel_size crop_in_gt = ( crop.shift(-gt.spec.roi.offset) / voxel_size ).get_bounding_box() crop_in_gt_mask = ( crop.shift(-gt_mask.spec.roi.offset) / voxel_size ).get_bounding_box() self.__grow([crop_in_gt],[crop_in_gt_mask], self.only_xy ) else: self.__grow(, only_xy=self.only_xy) def __grow(self, gt, gt_mask=None, only_xy=False): if gt_mask is not None: assert ( gt.shape == gt_mask.shape ), "GT_LABELS and GT_MASK do not have the same size." if only_xy: assert len(gt.shape) == 3 for z in range(gt.shape[0]): self.__grow(gt[z], None if gt_mask is None else gt_mask[z]) return # get all foreground voxels by erosion of each component foreground = np.zeros(shape=gt.shape, dtype=bool) masked = None if gt_mask is not None: masked = np.equal(gt_mask, 0) for label in np.unique(gt): if label == self.background: continue label_mask = gt == label # Assume that masked out values are the same as the label we are # eroding in this iteration. This ensures that at the boundary to # a masked region the value blob is not shrinking. if masked is not None: label_mask = np.logical_or(label_mask, masked) eroded_label_mask = ndimage.binary_erosion( label_mask, iterations=self.steps, border_value=1 ) foreground = np.logical_or(eroded_label_mask, foreground) # label new background background = np.logical_not(foreground) gt[background] = self.background