Source code for gunpowder.nodes.hdf5_write
from .hdf5like_write_base import Hdf5LikeWrite
from gunpowder.ext import h5py
import os
class Hdf5Write(Hdf5LikeWrite):
"""Assemble arrays of passing batches in one HDF5 file. This is useful to
store chunks produced by :class:`Scan` on disk without keeping the larger
array in memory. The ROIs of the passing arrays will be used to determine
the position where to store the data in the dataset.
dataset_names (``dict``, :class:`ArrayKey` -> ``string``):
A dictionary from array keys to names of the datasets to store them
output_dir (``string``):
The directory to save the HDF5 file. Will be created, if it does
not exist.
output_filename (``string``):
The output filename of the container. Will be created, if it does
not exist, otherwise data is overwritten in the existing container.
compression_type (``string`` or ``int``):
Compression strategy. Legal values are ``gzip``, ``szip``,
``lzf``. If an integer between 1 and 10, this indicates ``gzip``
compression level.
dataset_dtypes (``dict``, :class:`ArrayKey` -> data type):
A dictionary from array keys to datatype (eg. ``np.int8``). If
given, arrays are stored using this type. The original arrays
within the pipeline remain unchanged.
def _open_file(self, filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
return h5py.File(filename, "r+")
return h5py.File(filename, "w")