Source code for gunpowder.tensorflow.nodes.train

import logging
import os
import numpy as np

from gunpowder.array import ArrayKey, Array
from gunpowder.ext import tensorflow as tf
from gunpowder.nodes.generic_train import GenericTrain
from gunpowder.tensorflow.local_server import LocalServer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Train(GenericTrain): """Tensorflow implementation of :class:`gunpowder.nodes.Train`. Args: graph (``string``): Filename of a tensorflow meta-graph storing the tensorflow graph containing an optimizer. A meta-graph file can be created by running:: # create tensorflow graph ... # store it tf.train.export_meta_graph(filename='...') optimizer (``string`` or function): Either the name of the tensorflow operator performing a training iteration, or a function that, given the graph of the meta-graph file, adds a custom loss and optimizer. If a function is given, it should return a tuple ``(loss, optimizer)`` of a tensor and an operator representing the loss and the optimizer, respectively. In this case, parameter ``loss`` should be ``None``. Example:: def add_custom_optimizer(graph): # get the output of your graph output = graph.get_tensor_by_name('...') # create your custom loss loss = custom_loss(output) # add an optimizer of your choice optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss) return (loss, optimizer) loss (``string`` or ``None``): The name of the tensorflow tensor containing the loss, or ``None`` if ``optimizer`` is a function. inputs (``dict``, ``string`` -> :class:`ArrayKey`): Dictionary from the names of input tensors in the network to array keys. outputs (``dict``, ``string`` -> :class:`ArrayKey`): Dictionary from the names of output tensors in the network to array keys. New arrays will be generated by this node for each entry (if requested downstream). gradients (``dict``, ``string`` -> :class:`ArrayKey`): Dictionary from the names of output tensors in the network to array keys. New arrays containing the gradient of an output with respect to the loss will be generated by this node for each entry (if requested downstream). summary (``string`` or ``dict``, ``string`` -> (``string`` (tensor name), freq), optional): The name of the tensorflow tensor containing the tensorboard summaries or dictionary for different subcategories of summaires (key: string, value: tuple with tensor/op name and frequency, of evaluation). array_specs (``dict``, :class:`ArrayKey` -> :class:`ArraySpec`, optional): Used to set the specs of generated arrays (``outputs``). This is useful to set the ``voxel_size``, for example, if they differ from the voxel size of the input arrays. Only fields that are not ``None`` in the given :class:`ArraySpec` will be used. save_every (``int``, optional): After how many iterations to create a checkpoint to store the learnt weights. log_dir (``string``, optional): Directory for saving tensorboard summaries. log_every (``int``, optional): After how many iterations to write out tensorboard summaries. """ def __init__( self, graph, optimizer, loss, inputs, outputs, gradients, summary=None, array_specs=None, save_every=2000, log_dir="./", log_every=1, ): super(Train, self).__init__( inputs, outputs, gradients, array_specs, spawn_subprocess=False ) self.meta_graph_filename = graph self.optimizer_func = None self.optimizer_loss_names = None self.optimizer = None self.loss = None self.summary = summary self.session = None self.tf_gradient = {} self.graph = None self.basic_saver = None self.full_saver = None self.save_every = save_every self.iteration = None self.iteration_increment = None self.summary_saver = None self.log_dir = log_dir self.log_every = log_every if isinstance(optimizer, str): self.optimizer_loss_names = (optimizer, loss) else: self.optimizer_func = optimizer # at least for some versions of tensorflow, the checkpoint name has to # start with a . if it is a relative path if not os.path.isabs(self.meta_graph_filename): self.meta_graph_filename = os.path.join(".", self.meta_graph_filename) def start(self): target = LocalServer.get_target()"Initializing tf session, connecting to %s...", target) self.graph = tf.Graph() self.session = tf.Session(target=target, graph=self.graph) with self.graph.as_default(): self.__read_meta_graph() if self.summary is not None: self.summary_saver = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_dir, self.graph) if self.optimizer_func is None: # get actual operations/tensors from names self.optimizer = self.graph.get_operation_by_name( self.optimizer_loss_names[0] ) self.loss = self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(self.optimizer_loss_names[1]) # add symbolic gradients for tensor_name in self.gradients: tensor = self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(tensor_name) self.tf_gradient[tensor_name] = tf.gradients(self.loss, [tensor])[0] def train_step(self, batch, request): array_outputs = self.__collect_requested_outputs(request) inputs = self.__collect_provided_inputs(batch) to_compute = { "optimizer": self.optimizer, "loss": self.loss, "iteration": self.iteration_increment, } to_compute.update(array_outputs) # compute outputs, gradients, and update variables if isinstance(self.summary, str): to_compute["summaries"] = self.summary elif isinstance(self.summary, dict): for k, (v, f) in self.summary.items(): if int(self.current_step + 1) % f == 0: to_compute[k] = v outputs =, feed_dict=inputs) for array_key in array_outputs: spec = self.spec[array_key].copy() spec.roi = request[array_key].roi batch.arrays[array_key] = Array(outputs[array_key], spec) batch.loss = outputs["loss"] batch.iteration = outputs["iteration"][0] self.current_step = batch.iteration if self.summary is not None: if isinstance(self.summary, str) and ( batch.iteration % self.log_every == 0 or batch.iteration == 1 ): self.summary_saver.add_summary(outputs["summaries"], batch.iteration) else: for k, (_, f) in self.summary.items(): if int(self.current_step) % f == 0: self.summary_saver.add_summary(outputs[k], batch.iteration) if batch.iteration % self.save_every == 0: checkpoint_name = ( self.meta_graph_filename + "_checkpoint_%i" % batch.iteration )"Creating checkpoint %s", checkpoint_name), checkpoint_name) def stop(self): if self.session is not None: self.optimizer = None self.loss = None if self.summary is not None: self.summary_saver.close() self.session.close() self.graph = None self.session = None def __read_meta_graph(self):"Reading meta-graph...") # read the original meta-graph tf.train.import_meta_graph( self.meta_graph_filename + ".meta", clear_devices=True ) # add custom gunpowder variables with tf.variable_scope("gunpowder"): self.iteration = tf.get_variable( "iteration", shape=1, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer, trainable=False ) self.iteration_increment = tf.assign(self.iteration, self.iteration + 1) # Until now, only variables have been added to the graph that are part # of every checkpoint. We create a 'basic_saver' for only those # variables. self.basic_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=None) # Add custom optimizer and loss, if requested. This potentially adds # more variables, not covered by the basic_saver. if self.optimizer_func is not None: loss, optimizer = self.optimizer_func(self.graph) self.loss = loss self.optimizer = optimizer # We create a 'full_saver' including those variables. self.full_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=None) # find most recent checkpoint checkpoint_dir = os.path.dirname(self.meta_graph_filename) checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir) if checkpoint: try: # Try to restore the graph, including the custom optimizer # state (if a custom optimizer was used). self.__restore_graph(checkpoint, restore_full=True) except tf.errors.NotFoundError: # If that failed, we just transitioned from an earlier training # without the custom optimizer. In this case, restore only the # variables of the original meta-graph and 'gunpowder' # variables. Custom optimizer variables will be default # initialized."Checkpoint did not contain custom optimizer " "variables") self.__restore_graph(checkpoint, restore_full=False) else:"No checkpoint found") # initialize all variables def __restore_graph(self, checkpoint, restore_full):"Restoring model from %s", checkpoint) if restore_full:"...using a saver for all variables") self.full_saver.restore(self.session, checkpoint) else: # initialize all variables, such that non-basic variables are # initialized"...using a saver for basic variables only") self.basic_saver.restore(self.session, checkpoint) self.current_step = def __collect_requested_outputs(self, request): array_outputs = {} for output_name, array_key in self.outputs.items(): if array_key in request: array_outputs[array_key] = output_name for output_name, array_key in self.gradients.items(): if array_key in request: array_outputs[array_key] = self.tf_gradient[output_name] return array_outputs def __collect_provided_inputs(self, batch): inputs = {} for input_name, input_key in self.inputs.items(): if isinstance(input_key, ArrayKey): if input_key in batch.arrays: inputs[input_name] = batch.arrays[input_key].data else: logger.warn( "batch does not contain %s, input %s will not " "be set", input_key, input_name, ) elif isinstance(input_key, np.ndarray): inputs[input_name] = input_key elif isinstance(input_key, str): inputs[input_name] = getattr(batch, input_key) else: raise Exception( "Unknown network input key {}, can't be given to " "network".format(input_key) ) return inputs