



Widget for viewing SolverParams. To update for a backend change to

Module Contents

Bases: qtpy.QtWidgets.QWidget

Updates the current parameter value displayed in self.param_value, or hides the whole row if the value is None.

params (SolverParams): The solver parameters we use to update

the UI. This object uses self.param_name to know which value to retrieve.

Bases: qtpy.QtWidgets.QWidget

Widget for viewing SolverParams. To update for a backend change to SolverParams, emit the new_params signal, which each parameter label will connect to and use to update the UI.

A helper function to create a group of parameters in the UI. Also connects each parameter to the self.new_params signal so the values can be updated when new parameters are viewed.


title (str): The title to put at the top of the group param_category (str): A key of self.param_categories used to

get the list of parameters in this group.

QGroupBox: A widget containing all the parameters in the group,

with static titles and values that can be updated via emitting the self.new_params signal.