A set of tracks consisting of a graph and an optional segmentation. |
Module Contents
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.AttrValue: TypeAlias = Any
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.Node: TypeAlias = Any
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.Edge: TypeAlias = tuple[Node, Node]
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.AttrValues: TypeAlias = Sequence[AttrValue]
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.Attrs: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, AttrValues]
- motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.SegMask: TypeAlias = tuple[np.ndarray, ...]
- class motile_plugin.data_model.tracks.Tracks(graph: networkx.DiGraph, segmentation: numpy.ndarray | None = None, time_attr: str = NodeAttr.TIME.value, pos_attr: str | tuple[str] | list[str] = NodeAttr.POS.value, scale: list[float] | None = None, ndim: int | None = None)
A set of tracks consisting of a graph and an optional segmentation. The graph nodes represent detections and must have a time attribute and position attribute. Edges in the graph represent links across time.
- Attributes:
- graph (nx.DiGraph): A graph with nodes representing detections and
and edges representing links across time. Assumed to be “valid” tracks (e.g., this is not supposed to be a candidate graph), but the structure is not verified.
- segmentation (Optional(np.ndarray)): An optional segmentation that
accompanies the tracking graph. If a segmentation is provided, it is assumed that the graph has an attribute (default “seg_id”) holding the segmentation id. Defaults to None.
- time_attr (str): The attribute in the graph that specifies the time
frame each node is in.
- pos_attr (str | tuple[str] | list[str]): The attribute in the graph
that specifies the position of each node. Can be a single attribute that holds a list, or a list of attribute keys.
For bulk operations on attributes, a KeyError will be raised if a node or edge in the input set is not in the graph. All operations before the error node will be performed, and those after will not.
- refresh
- GRAPH_FILE = 'graph.json'
- SEG_FILE = 'seg.npy'
- ATTRS_FILE = 'attrs.json'
- graph
- segmentation
- time_attr
- pos_attr
- scale
- ndim
- get_positions(nodes:[Node], incl_time: bool = False) numpy.ndarray
Get the positions of nodes in the graph. Optionally include the time frame as the first dimension. Raises an error if any of the nodes are not in the graph.
- Args:
node (Iterable[Node]): The node ids in the graph to get the positions of incl_time (bool, optional): If true, include the time as the
first element of each position array. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray: A N x ndim numpy array holding the positions, where N is the
number of nodes passed in
- get_position(node: Node, incl_time=False) list
- set_positions(nodes:[Node], positions: numpy.ndarray |[Edge], incl_time: bool = False)
Set the location of a node in the graph. Optionally include the time frame as the first dimension. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph.
- Args:
node (Any): The node id in the graph to set the location of. location (np.ndarray): The location to set. If incl_time is true, time
is the first element.
- incl_time (bool, optional): If true, include the time as the
first element of the location array. Defaults to False.
- set_position(node: Node, position: list, incl_time=False)
- get_times(nodes:[Node])[int]
- get_time(node: Node) int
Get the time frame of a given node. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph.
- Args:
node (Any): The node id to get the time frame for
- Returns:
int: The time frame that the node is in
- set_times(nodes:[Node], times:[int])
- set_time(node: Any, time: int)
Set the time frame of a given node. Raises an error if the node is not in the graph.
- Args:
node (Any): The node id to set the time frame for time (int): The time to set
- get_seg_ids(nodes:[Node], required=False)[int | None]
- get_seg_id(node: Any) int | None
Get the segmentation id of a given node. Raises a KeyError if the node is not in the graph. Returns None if the node does not have an associated segmentation.
- Args:
node (Any): The node id to get the seg id of
- Returns:
int | None: The seg id of the node, or None if the node does not have a segmentation
- set_seg_ids(nodes:[Node], seg_ids:[int])
Get the segmentation id of a given node. Raises a KeyError if the node is not in the graph.
- Args:
node (Any): The node id to set the seg id of seg_id (int): The segmentation id to set for the node
- set_seg_id(node: Node, seg_id: int)
- add_nodes(nodes:[Node], times:[int], positions: numpy.ndarray | None = None, seg_ids:[int] | None = None, attrs: Attrs | None = None)
- add_node(node: Node, time: int, position: | None = None, seg_id: int | None = None, attrs: Attrs | None = None)
Add a node to the graph. Will update the internal mappings and generate the segmentation-controlled attributes if there is a segmentation present. The segmentation should have been previously updated, otherwise the attributes will not update properly.
- Args:
node (Node): The node id to add time (int): the time frame of the node to add position (Seqeunce | None): The spatial position of the node (excluding time).
Can be None if it should be automatically detected from the segmentation. Either seg_id or position must be provided. Defaults to None.
- seg_id (int | None): The segmentation id of the node, used to match the node
to the segmentation at the given time, or None if the node does not have a matching segmentation. Either seg_id or position must be provided. Defaults to None.
- remove_nodes(nodes:[Node])
- remove_node(node: Node)
Remove the node from the graph and update the internal mappings. Does not update the segmentation if present.
- Args:
node (Node): The node to remove from the graph
- add_edges(edges:[Edge])
- add_edge(edge: Edge)
- remove_edges(edges:[Edge])
- remove_edge(edge: Edge)
- get_node(seg_id: int, time: int) Node | None
Get the node with the given segmentation ID in the given time point. Useful for going from segmentation labels to graph nodes.
- Args:
seg_id (int): The segmentation id of the node time (int): the time point of the node
- Returns:
- Node | None: the node id with the given seg_id in the given time, or None
if no such node exists.
- get_areas(nodes:[Node])[int | None]
Get the area/volume of a given node. Raises a KeyError if the node is not in the graph. Returns None if the given node does not have an Area attribute.
- Args:
node (Node): The node id to get the area/volume for
- Returns:
int: The area/volume of the node
- get_area(node: Node) int | None
Get the area/volume of a given node. Raises a KeyError if the node is not in the graph. Returns None if the given node does not have an Area attribute.
- Args:
node (Node): The node id to get the area/volume for
- Returns:
int: The area/volume of the node
- get_ious(edges:[Edge])
- get_iou(edge: Edge)
- get_pixels(nodes: list[Node]) list[tuple[numpy.ndarray, Ellipsis]] | None
Get the pixels corresponding to each node in the nodes list.
- Args:
nodes (list[Node]): A list of node to get the values for.
- Returns:
list[tuple[np.ndarray, …]] | None: A list of tuples, where each tuple represents the pixels for one of the input nodes, or None if the segmentation is None. The tuple will have length equal to the number of segmentation dimensions, and can be used to index the segmentation.
- set_pixels(pixels:[tuple[numpy.ndarray, Ellipsis]], values:[int | None])
Set the given pixels in the segmentation to the given value.
- Args:
- pixels (Iterable[tuple[np.ndarray]]): The pixels that should be set,
formatted like the output of np.nonzero (each element of the tuple represents one dimension, containing an array of indices in that dimension). Can be used to directly index the segmentation.
value (Iterable[int | None]): The value to set each pixel to
- update_segmentations(nodes:[Node], pixels:[SegMask], added: bool = True) None
Updates the segmentation of the given nodes. Also updates the auto-computed attributes of the nodes and incident edges.
- _set_node_attributes(nodes:[Node], attributes: Attrs)
Update the attributes for given nodes
- _set_edge_attributes(edges:[Edge], attributes: Attrs) None
Set the edge attributes for the given edges. Attributes should already exist (although adding will work in current implementation, they cannot currently be removed)
- Args:
edges (list[Edge]): A list of edges to set the attributes for attributes (Attributes): A dictionary of attribute name -> numpy array,
where the length of the arrays matches the number of edges. Attributes should already exist: this function will only update the values.
- save(directory: pathlib.Path)
Save the tracks to the given directory. Currently, saves the graph as a json file in networkx node link data format, saves the segmentation as a numpy npz file, and saves the time and position attributes and scale information in an attributes json file.
- Args:
directory (Path): The directory to save the tracks in.
- _save_graph(directory: pathlib.Path)
Save the graph to file. Currently uses networkx node link data format (and saves it as json).
- Args:
directory (Path): The directory in which to save the graph file.
- _save_seg(directory: pathlib.Path)
Save a segmentation as a numpy array using In the future, could be changed to use zarr or other file types.
- Args:
directory (Path): The directory in which to save the segmentation
- _save_attrs(directory: pathlib.Path)
Save the time_attr, pos_attr, and scale in a json file in the given directory.
- Args:
directory (Path): The directory in which to save the attributes
- classmethod load(directory: pathlib.Path, seg_required=False) Tracks
Load a Tracks object from the given directory. Looks for files in the format generated by
- Args:
directory (Path): The directory containing tracks to load seg_required (bool, optional): If true, raises a FileNotFoundError if the
segmentation file is not present in the directory. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
Tracks: A tracks object loaded from the given directory
- static _load_graph(graph_file: pathlib.Path) networkx.DiGraph
Load the graph from the given json file. Expects networkx node_link_graph formatted json.
- Args:
graph_file (Path): The json file to load into a networkx graph
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist
- Returns:
nx.DiGraph: A networkx graph loaded from the file.
- static _load_seg(seg_file: pathlib.Path, seg_required: bool = False) numpy.ndarray | None
Load a segmentation from a file. If the file doesn’t exist, either return None or raise a FileNotFoundError depending on the seg_required flag.
- Args:
seg_file (Path): The npz file to load. seg_required (bool, optional): If true, raise a FileNotFoundError if the
segmentation is not present. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray | None: The segmentation array, or None if it wasn’t present and
seg_required was False.
- static _load_attrs(attrs_file: pathlib.Path) dict
- classmethod delete(directory: pathlib.Path)
- _compute_ndim(seg: numpy.ndarray | None, scale: list[float] | None, provided_ndim: int | None)
- _create_seg_time_to_node() dict[int, dict[int, Node]]
Create a dictionary mapping seg_id -> dict(time_point -> node_id)
- _set_node_attr(node: Node, attr: motile_toolbox.candidate_graph.NodeAttr, value: Any)
- _set_nodes_attr(nodes:[Node], attr: str, values:[Any])
- _get_node_attr(node: Node, attr: str, required: bool = False)
- _get_nodes_attr(nodes:[Node], attr: str, required: bool = False)
- _set_edge_attr(edge: Edge, attr: str, value: Any)
- _set_edges_attr(edges:[Edge], attr: str, values:[Any])
- _get_edge_attr(edge: Edge, attr: str, required: bool = False)
- _get_edges_attr(edges:[Edge], attr: str, required: bool = False)
- _remove_from_seg_time_to_node(nodes:[Node])
- _add_to_seg_time_to_node(nodes:[Node])
- _compute_node_attrs(seg_ids:[int | None], times:[int]) Attrs
Get the segmentation controlled node attributes (area and position) from the segmentation with label seg_id in the given time point.
- Args:
seg_id (int): The label id to query the current segmentation for time (int): The time frame of the current segmentation to query
- Returns:
- dict[str, int]: A dictionary containing the attributes that could be
determined from the segmentation. It will be empty if self.segmentation is None. If self.segmentation exists but seg_id is not present in time, area will be 0 and position will be None. If self.segmentation exists and seg_id is present in time, area and position will be included.
- _compute_edge_attrs(edges:[Edge]) Attrs
Get the segmentation controlled edge attributes (IOU) from the segmentations associated with the endpoints of the edge. The endpoints should already exist and have associated segmentations.
- Args:
edge (Edge): The edge to compute the segmentation-based attributes from
- Returns:
- dict[str, int]: A dictionary containing the attributes that could be
determined from the segmentation. It will be empty if self.segmentation is None or if self.segmentation exists but the endpoint segmentations are not found.